
Brochure Selector

@php $models=\App\Models\HVACModel::all(); $families=\App\Models\HVACFamily::all(); $modelLines=\App\Models\HVACModelLine::all(); $heatStripVersions=\App\Models\HVACHeatStripVersion::all(); $refrigerantTypes=\App\Models\HVACRefrigerantType::all(); $modelMapping=[]; foreach ($models AS $m){ $sku=substr($m->sku,0,7).substr($m->sku,-1); $mappingLevel=&$modelMapping; for ($s=0;$s<=7;$s++){ $l=($s==3)?2:1; $symbol=substr($sku,$s,$l); if (!isset($mappingLevel[$symbol])){ $mappingLevel[$symbol]=[]; } $mappingLevel=&$mappingLevel[$symbol]; if ($l==2){ $s++; } } } @endphp @php $symbolList=''; $selectorNames=['family','model_line','heat_strip_version','capacity','erv','refrigerant_type','voltage']; foreach($selectorNames AS $f){ if ($f=='family'){ $symbolList.='
  • A
  • '; } else { if ($f=='voltage'){ $symbolList.='
  • H
  • '; } $f=str_replace('_','-',$f); $symbolList.='
  • ?
  • '; } } $selectorNames[]='generation'; @endphp

    Select your model line:

    @foreach($modelLines AS $ml)

    Does your device have heat strip ?

    @foreach($heatStripVersions AS $hsv)
    {{(($hsv->code=='P')?'No, that is ':'Yes, that has ')}} {{$hsv->name}}

    Select your capacity:

    @foreach([10=>10500,20=>21000] AS $c=>$v)
    {{$v}} BTU/h

    Does that have ERV onboard ?


    Select your refrigerant type:

    @foreach($refrigerantTypes AS $rt)

    Choose your voltage:

    @foreach(['1'=>'115','2'=>230] AS $c=>$v)

    Generate brochure for chosen model ?

    No, just load pre-generated
    Yes, please
    Generating you a brochure, please wait
    Your file is here